Massage therapy

Different massaging techniques can provide a wonderful sense of relaxation, relieve every day muscle tension, repair sports injury damage, boost circulation, and restore calm and balance to your body and mind.

If you’re not sure which types of massages are best for you, then our therapists will happily advise you.


Body Treatment

Ease away your tension and leave you looking and feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Whether you’re looking to enjoy some much deserved pampering and relaxation or to achieve specific, targeted results, we have lots of treatments on offer, from skin-nourishing body wraps to specialised body therapies for cellulite and body sculpting.



Skin care or skincare is a range of practices that support skin integrity, enhance its appearance, and relieve skin conditions.


Waxing Treatment

There are two methods of waxing: hot waxing and warm waxing. With warm waxing, the wax is applied directly to the skin using a spatula. Strips of fabric are smoothed over the wax and then removed quickly, removing the wax and hair from the skin. Hot waxing uses hot wax applied directly to the skin.


Pedicure and manicure Treatment

Manicures and pedicures are both treatments for your hands and feet, but the difference between them is more than just a matter of size. A manicure involves trimming, shaping, and buffing fingernails; a pedicure typically involves exfoliating the skin on your feet before soaking them in warm water.


Iv therapy

IV or intravenous (in-trah-VEE-nus) therapy is a way to give fluids, medicine, nutrition, or blood directly into the blood stream through a vein. IV therapy uses a type of tiny plastic tubing (cannula) that goes into the vein, a needle, and plastic tubing that connects the set-up to a bag of fluid.


Facial Treatment

This is the latest advancement in non-invasive, skin-renewing treatments. Using innovative techniques, this treatment combines naturally derived mechanical and biochemical exfoliation methods into one powerful service that transforms the skin through the process of dual exfoliation.

Immediate, visible results include: increased clarity and radiance, smoothed appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, refined pores, and younger looking skin.


Beauty therapy training